Copying a file of letters
A family member stumbled across a file of correspondance with my grandfather and knew that I would be interested in reading them and sharing them with others in the family. :) I am still wondering what happened to grandpa's archives, which I have found referenced (not just in my head). "Last week, when filing away the past year's Tattlers... We have accumulated six great volumes of our letters and thier replies" -- JCP April 2, 1984 Here it is a nice summer day and I am home in my office. defensively citing rumors of jellies. sigh. Did actually go to bed at a recent hour. Reading about grief and estates seemed like a good stopping point. (To be fair there were bits that made me smile too.) Besides I was reading ahead. Trying to use my curiosity as a goad to scan the files. Besides part of the fun may be reminiscing with others over things like preserving food, celebrations, ... So how to best take advantage of the short term loan? I do not have a good process in p...