Transferring GEDCOM from familysearch to gramps - setup

 Back to that python script for exporting GEDCOM from familysearch mentioned in an earlier blog

GitHub Desktop

After following a couple of links one sees it under source control with git. I have never used it with Windows before.

shows 3 options. 

The last, desktop,

mentions CRLF handling and 64 bit installs. Run the GitHub Desktop installer. Approve permissions. log in. Bonus: my password manager even remembers my credentials from my last job. Luckily my personal email was in the list of for verification.

Configure it for URL and get errors. :(

Failed to execute getStatus: ENOENT

Git could not be found at the expected path: 'C:\Users\karen\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-2.6.3\resources\app\git\cmd\git.exe'. This might be a problem with how the application is packaged, so confirm this folder hasn't been removed when packaging.

Where did it get installed? idk. C:\Users\karen\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-2.6.3\resources\app\git\cmd seems good. Is it a pathing issue? and yet I find the files - wasn't that the goal? 


While the error messages do not give me a feeling of reliability for future work, for this project I can move on. I also  rather wonder why this download that I have no current intention of changing is backed up ... to OneDrive - did I even configure this?

Windows 10?

Somewhere around here I totally lost context. Where is the notepad with the notes above (apparently found later)? Where is the browser with the tabs above? Was it a collision with GRAMPS and using python to configure? Was it a windows view finger futz? Where did that history slider thing go?  Arrg


So where were we? the README file for getmyancestors says to run

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Open Command Prompt. quickly test with "python3 --help" and get a nice response.  Change directories and run the command above. Get some warnings:

Using legacy ' install' for babelfish, since package 'wheel' is not installed.

Installing collected packages: babelfish, certifi, chardet, diskcache, idna, urllib3, requests

    Running install for babelfish ... done

  WARNING: The script chardetect.exe is installed in 'C:\Users\karen\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\Scripts' which is not on PATH.

  Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.

Successfully installed babelfish-0.5.5 certifi-2019.11.28 chardet-3.0.4 diskcache-4.1.0 idna-2.9 requests-2.23.0 urllib3-1.25.8

WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.1; however, version 21.0.1 is available.

You should consider upgrading via the 'C:\Users\karen\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

Some more searching yields some related links. Learning and using python3 was an outside goal, right?

The README file above mentions a GUI


Failed the initial authentication attempt with email but got in with username. configured something like 4 up, 4 down, marriages, and notes. Got a bunch of statistics thru the GUI and a parcel of logging rolling by on my console. And yes a .ged file! in a cloud backed up location /Users/karen/OneCloud/Documents

individuals:87 sources:257 families:36 documents: 140

Why are the sources and documents so high? duplication across people? These are things I have poor luck with transferring in the past. It will be interesting to see what they look like. 

But am I satisfied? I know I entered a bit of family for some of the wives. I did not figure out how to get stats >0 when basing off the wives IDs.  I even tried the command line instead of the GUI. 

usage: -u username -p password [options]

Retrieve GEDCOM data from FamilySearch Tree (4 Jul 2016)

optional arguments:
  -u <STR>, --username <STR>
                        FamilySearch username
  -p <STR>, --password <STR>
                        FamilySearch password
  -i <STR> [<STR> ...], --individuals <STR> [<STR> ...]
                        List of individual FamilySearch IDs for whom to retrieve ancestors
  -a <INT>, --ascend <INT>
                        Number of generations to ascend [4]
  -d <INT>, --descend <INT>
                        Number of generations to descend [0]
  -m, --marriage        Add spouses and couples information [False]
  -r, --get-contributors
                        Add list of contributors in notes [False]
  -c, --get_ordinances  Add LDS ordinances (need LDS account) [False]
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity [False]
  -t <INT>, --timeout <INT>
                        Timeout in seconds [60]
  --show-password       Show password in .settings file [False]
  -o <FILE>, --outfile <FILE>
                        output GEDCOM file [stdout]
  -l <FILE>, --logfile <FILE>

                        output log file [stderr]

GRAMPS AOI64 5.1.13 (on desktop)

I seem to need to use the task manager to bring it back when switching contexts.

FamilyTree>import (to be preceded by FamilyTree> make backup)

surnames: 38
people: 90

That's 3 more than the 87 above - precisely what I had entered my hand and now had to merge manually. Select the names Edit>merge. Pick the dominant entry. There was no hinting of what might need merging or cherry picking from both entries.

Made a backup of this import in something like /Users/karen/Paffendorf-2021-02-10-10-32.gramps.
This is not backed up to the cloud.

Gramps is configured to show a tip every time it starts. It uses Gtk. Is the dust stirring? and GNOME.

Editing gedcom

Later experience resulted in the desire to modify the generated gedcom. 

On linux this looks useful for indenting the gedcom.

Modifying script under source control

Ideally instead of editing the file, modifying the program might be a better solution.

Gramps has rather limited reports that it generates. Also a lack of headers/footers/page numbers.
(To import look under utilities.)

To Do:

  • Make sure OneCloud is configured correctly - notifications have been happening
  • (fix github pathing)
  • figure out the other tree gedcoms and maybe understand the merge gedcom on the gui
  • (understand config/.system files for scripts.)
  • print  descendant chart using gramps - one of the things missing on familysearch
  • look at the sources and documents under gramps
  • use gramps more and share observations
  • (learn python3)
  • backups (use of one drive for an intended download, ged files, gramps data, reports)
  • On familysearch I am only following 43/87 people possibly including some of those spouse families.


  1. each system has its own id. Where to track it? Attributes? Sources?

  2. Brian McCullough suggested I check out


  4. This was more ambitious than I envisioned... and not complete.

  5. I referenced this blog in a reply to

  6. Of course I meant to refer to this article from


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