Where does Cause of Death belong?
I don't really remember tracking this before, but I found a report with cause of death of a bunch of family. Conceptually, is it limited to cause of death, or should it include other information the doctor might be interested in and be more of a medical history? In the report I found the information was a short phrase. Might it be more detailed? Technically it became a question of where should this information be entered, and how do I print it off? Attributes SSN Let me revisit the topic of Social Security Death Indexes (SSDI) as a use case. One of the person attributes available was Social Security Number (SSN). Entering this information there seemed obvious. Then came time to report it. Attributes different than other information associated with people. By default, GRAMPS lists people by name and birth in the main view. An attribute is not something one might add. Attributes is one of the things that can be displayed in the gramplet on a per person basis....