Cemeteries and Obituaries

As I recreate my digital tree, I am trying to be better about sources. You have heard of my ongoing struggle with sources and citations. This has expanded to grouping into repositories and chunking source text. Familysearch only being collaborative on dead people draws my attention to verifying people are dead. I find myself looking at cemetery records and obituaries .


I like printouts as backups. I also find them easier to review.  (Did I fail to mention the amount of missing bits I found, as I went back to update citations? Wouldn't it be nice it I could print out a report like I just entered for side by side comparison?) Clearly I like writing on my printouts too.

My recent pain is after typing a lot, is that I have yet to find an easy way to print it out from gramps. The descendant tree is not cited. The sources report is just a dump of some bits: sources and citations, but not repositories or notes (links, academic citations, source text ). Do I want todo notes in my reports?  Currently marking them private for easy toggling, but I digress again. Wish some of gramplets and other windows came with a print button. No print screen does not work with stuff scrolling out of frame.) Started looking at customizing reports https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php/Addons_development. Got distracted with how to set up infrastructure without even getting the report writing code. Despite its age, lifelines is looking better by the moment. Just wanted to get linux installed.

Additionally I'd like printouts of the new reference materials.

Alternatives to findagrave

Looking at a report has me revisiting a cemetery looking for another generation back  and the fanout. Findagrave comes up empty. Broadening the search results in a friends of the cemetery and in turn alternative tool, https://www.discovereverafter.com . I like that it has the people I am looking for with death dates, burial dates, and plots. It has potential for latitude and longitude. Unfortunately the search results pane is annoying for navigating and printing. You can save people in a heap (unless the maiden name is in parenthesis). It does not show if this action has already been taken on an earlier visit. Results in a table. I used page search and copy/pasted the middle of entries to avoid graphics and links. The view of an individual did not show the info I was interested in and the map is not working. I am wondering if this is under construction. Pictures of headstones seems to be broken, or is that just not populated? Just realized there is not a nice citation to dump. I am making it up. 


A recent death had me searching for an obituary for that person and others on her twig.

It reminds me narratives are more fun to read but harder to categorize for the computer. I am used to pulling out people and relations. I need to learn how to enter education, military service, jobs.... maybe I need to learn how to pull out again first.

The question that arose is what repository do they belong in. They were not in legacy. I created a catch all, the internet. In writing this I am thinking two keywords would be better: online obituaries.


I was already wondering how to handle street addresses. It seems that plots fall in the same hole.
Perhaps create special attributes?

I have been using mostly city, county, state, country. It seems to have alternatives to city that I do not understand the subtleties of . I am also not sure how to categorize hospitals, and cemeteries... I just noticed farm.

This seems like another thing that will need to be synced up. Is there a way of looking up and perhaps grabbing from familysearch, wikitree, or some other resource?


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