The Tattler - correspondence before the internet

JCP used to correspond with lots of the family. He'd then write a weekly letter with the highlights of each person/family he'd heard from. He'd then scatter the letter across the family. My earliest memories had him typing  with carbon copies -- only so many copies would fit and each one would be lighter than the previous one. We'd pass the copy between the members of our branch of the family. At some  point he changed to mimeograph. I can remember the smell. We still passed them, but the quality became more even. Was the passing an excuse to get together? ;) Or did we just see each other more? (ignoring the pandemic.)

I do not have any copies of the Tattler.

I think it would be nice to have a family archive of them. I suspect it would be nice to have images and a text transcriptions. Building an index would be more of a challenge. Could we start it and then automate? What should it include? people, crops, milestones, and? 

A down and dirty solution could be to  use  google drive for storage and authentication. This is a tool I have used for both work and school recently.

Side note: flipping thru the family history, I realize I recognize some hand writing, fonts, and paper.







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