Too many useless citations?

I have been re-entering huge amounts of data from a report into GRAMPS recently. I'm struggling to document my sources this time. The repository and the source for the report seemed easy enough  - and single point modifiable if they need tweaking later. I've been putting a citation in for each family and person with a page number. Trying to use that information is a failure. Turns out garbage in garbage out.

Revisited this demonstration of pulling in a family search record:
Gramps repositories, sources, citations
In addition to a page number it was repeating the name and event.
This seems horribly tedious despite differentiating the citation.

I'm watching another video
You can create your citation,
Drag it to your clipboard,  and 
drag it to families, individuals, and events. That makes it much easier.
I think that leaves me with at least as many references (I am willing to take on events now),
but fewer citations. Wonderful. 

Given the report has a series of children of sections, this makes a logical bit to describe in the citation. Dropping the multiple on the number of individuals to the number of families (order of).
Despite a bunch of rework ahead, 
I like how the first family worked out.
There is a quilt chart enabling me to quickly navigate the members of the family and the spouses. Just what I need. Hope it still seems worth it when I get to smaller families.


  • Create and link to the new citations. Delete the old citations.
  • The accuracy is tied to events and some of them had an asterisk to show approximate dates.
  • WAIT! Transcription seems like the next step. there's forms to actually type in what you actually see in the report. How much of it will actually fill in your tree? none. You have to have the people in then modify the name to actually show as is in the form... The next video in the series shows making custom forms. When looking for the tool documentation, I need to become more aware of Gramplets (Don't get distracted by What's next or ToDo just yet). Form is an addon gramplet to help define attributes.  So many things to learn more about. It would be interesting to see what the generated gedcom looks like. KISS (keep it simple stupid) tends to make it easier to transfer information between programs. Have used "Source Text" for findagrave entries. Another person compared with and without census (the predecessor to forms). Maybe flat versus contextual transcription should be a separate blog , but enough for now.


  1. An approach to saving familysearch records in GRAMPS


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