1950 US Census - Round two


P1 Population and Housing

So far I have focussed on people I know of. I should verify thier ages, birth places, work, industry.
I should also see if I can chase down an agriculture questionaire...


I have discovered shoebox for saving those census entries that I could not tie to the abbreviated tree.
I have submitted name changes for the P1 forms I have found of interest. I have added a few since round 1.

1950 census archive.gov

I went back and found urls that were more specific to the sheets of interest. I also caught up on the transcriptions for this tool.


Not yet indexed internally. Tried seach ancestry records. Did get results in ancestry with no obvious way to cross link between tools. While there may be ways to deal with it, I happily procrastinate until it is available in a way that does not require it. This broader search criteria may be good for those I have yet to locate.

Recording in GRAMPS

I asked for help with my GRAMPS issues on discourse. I found the array of communication tools bewildering. Turns out there was already a bug open to create the form to enter the census data, and a reddit request for a report generator. Apparenly I was within a day of the release of the form. The mechanism used for this is a gramplet. If a gramplet is changed GRAMPS must be restarted. This bit me once as I had started working on my own form in test.xml. Changed the id to US1951 to avoid collision...

I had started with my paternal grandfather (with the incorrect form). I tried to back out by grabbing an older ,gramps file and importing it to a new database. This produced tags which I did not want. Deleted. I should have followed the directions and created a backup. Even better, based on discourse discussion, created a new database with Fred Flinstone, Wilma, and Barney Rubble of Bedrock and George Slater of Graniteville. This tests families, neighbors that might share an ED/sheet, and a boss that may only share and Enumeration map. I am still trying to figure out how to best organize the information. 

I gave up on tracking my work in progess in GRAMPS and created a spreadsheet with the following: state, county, township, ed #, sheet, line, ed map link (remember stevemorse.org to get to archives.gov), archive link,  ancestry link, family members. The links reflect the wierd spelling that may or may not have showed up when searching. I did chase down one by address (provided by a cousin). Is this adventure supposed to be in the citation notes? I only created rows for the heads of family.

Next database experiment: create census, citations, and media by hand.

GRAMPS and exporting

GEDCOM does not support multi person events

citatations were not included in ged or ged2. this is apparently leading me down the garden path with suggestions...  Makes me wonder if I am using it all wrong to narrow focus in a document. This whole proof thing?

And when trying to share with a distant cousin , I was disappointed that all my sources started to go with her branch.


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