digitizing dad's slides and old home movies

Around Thanksgiving 2023 there was a slew of advertising for weeks. One of the things on TV was a discount for LegacyBox. I have an assortment of momentos from my folks and myself, that I have yet to make easily sharable or to help tell a story. (In addition I have been attempting to help my uncle organize his google pictures with tags and captions and share them. The multiple cloud issue is something I have yet to research.)  In googling LegacyBox I came across Everpresent in Highland Park, NJ. I like that I did not have to mail stuff.


I had a fine phone conversation with Hillary at Everpresent.com about my best guess about the slides and movies at dad's house. She sent me an estimate for smaller numbers and a bulk discount, USB.... During the conversation she mentioned that thier processing is done in Massachusetts and they have trucks pick up from partners and customers. They are accustomed to cleaning, scanning, adjusting....  Apparently I can get DVD/USB. They have a phone app and the service comes with 2 months of having your stuff in thier cloud. Is there a computer interface? just new mac? More time can be purchased. I can send email invites to those I want to be able to login and look at pictures. Did I want it by Christmas - usually 2 months  (roll out digital as it becomes available)?

Hitting save now:

Another project

This project has been on my radar for some time, but had not bumped to the front. There are just so many questions on hardware, software, process, keeping current, linking, backup, .... Have started bumping into this with scanning and transcribing letters with my uncle. Perhaps I'll learn other things to apply.  Delegating to a service frees me up for more interesting  tasks. 

other competiters

https://cyndislist.com/scanners/vendors/ does not mention LegacyBox or Everpresent, but https://cyndislist.com/organizing/metadata does mention the later. Disappointing. 

Searching facebook posts. Ken references LegacyBox multiple times. Heaven forbid I again find the responses another to person asking a similar question a while ago.  65% off - https://fb.watch/oEHwek0WcW/

It seems there a comparisons by some I've not heard of:



Here's an impartial comparison from a year ago behind a paywall, Is it in the magazine? yes, Nov 2022 pages 40-45.   At least one made criteria for reviewing and others are added to my awareness. now I have to be careful about copyright. From https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/photo-video-digitizing-services/best-photo-scanning-and-video-digitizing-services-a8070215007/

"I quickly eliminated 10 services from the running due to poor customer reviews; complaints to the Better Business Bureau; an outdated or insecure website; or a lack of detailed info on pricing, photo resolution, and privacy and security policies.

That left me with four services for a trial run: DigMyPicsEverPresentMemories Renewed, and ScanMyPhotos."



Who is interested? On theier own? As a group sharing memories? zoom?

Should probably have asked who wants a meeting without such pictures.

Not Included in this project.

pictures, letters



  1. Cecelia's friend mentioned https://www.vivid-pix.com/


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